Thursday, August 28, 2008

Two signals theroy for stock activation

T cell activation - two signal hypothesis

Stock activation - two signal hypothesis

1. Signal 1 - primary signal

Signal from the change of fundamentals of the stock company
the form of signal - News

2. Signal 2 - Costimulation signal

Signal from the market, if
(1) there are people interested in it (If there is a costimulation signal)
(2) how many people interested (how strong the signal is)

The strength of the 2nd signal is attunted by the total market conditions.

In the stock chart:

Signal 1. The big price movement day (1 tick, if dayly chart it is 1 day)
Signal 2. The volume in the big movement day.

Very strong signal: AICD
Medium high signal: proliferation
Low signal: anergy


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