Wednesday, August 20, 2008

California Option Trader makes $18 billion in a year


A Former Bears linebacker who raked in over $16 million in 3 years!
An Ex golf-caddy who earned over $100,000 a month for 70 consecutive months!
And a young college graduate who parlayed his $400 into $200 million in 10 years!

I recently used this strategy to increase my wealth four-fold in a single weekend. Now I want to teach you how you can do the same thing and start building a more prosperous and stress-free future! - Regardless of whether the stock market is going up or down!

Dear Friend,

Options are arguably the best money-making opportunity on planet earth, yet very few people understand them. If they did, most of them would ditch their 9 to 5 “noose” and start cashing in on the exciting world of option trading!

"Out of all the programs that come across my desk, yours is the only one I follow. I trade primarily stock options, I find I can limit my risk and up my
profit potential much easier. Thank you for your help!"

Andrew S.

Now before you turn and walk away, please here me out. I know you've probably heard rumors about someone who has “lost their shirt” trading options....and maybe some of the rumors are true. I'll be the first to admit options can be risky if you don't know what you are doing, or you approach it with a “gambling” mentality. Usually, those who lose a lot of money trading options have “bet the farm” on a hot tip from a friend who knows nothing about the market.

But if you have a systematic method for uncovering winning opportunities and managing risk, option trading can be like winning the lottery. Without a doubt options can be much “safer” than trading stocks, and often times “safer” than even your mutual funds....and ten times more profitable.

I'm constantly preaching trading options like a business, not a slot machine. With defined objectives and rules that are followed religiously, there isn't a better way to create long-lasting financial independence.

In just a moment I'll tell why my system is different than other systems you may have tried in the past, and how you can use it to potentially get rich in a very short period of time. If you are new to option trading please consider the following reasons why you should get involved now!

7 Reason Why You Should Consider Option Trading!
1. You can make more money – faster – in a bad economy
2. Good economies are still a cash-cow
3. There is no overhead
4. No employees
5. No boss breathing down your neck
6. You can do it from anywhere in the world...all you need is a laptop
7. You can get started on a shoestring

Complex or Simple?
Option trading isn't a fad or gimmicky business that will be here today and gone tomorrow. It is a proven investing technique that has been used for more than 70 years by the “super-wealthy” to exploit market swings for 100% to 500% gains in a matter of weeks. I'm talking about institutional investors, hedge fund managers, and private equity have all used options to make a fortune.

Despite a wide-spread belief that options are complicated, they are actually very simple. Sure there are those who believe in “efficient markets” and employ sophisticated “option pricing models” that are theoretically “fool-proof”.

But it was reliance on these “fail-safe” models that caused the collapse of Long Term Capital Management in 98' and once again damn near brought down the “house” as the sophists behind these pricing models divided up sub-prime mortgage paper and “miraculously” turned it into AAA paper.

The only thing we've learned through all of this, is that the “efficient market theory” isn't efficient at all, and eventually blows up in your face.

Markets are NOT efficient. How can they be when they are made up of a bunch of tightly-wound human “creatures” whose emotions of greed and fear often hit ten on the Richter scale?

When you understand that the market constantly gyrates back and forth between these two emotional extremes, using options to grow wealthy becomes a very simple and predictable process.

It may come as a shock, but greed & fear are patterned and repeat over and over in every every market.....and in every time frame, from a one-minute chart to a multi-year chart. I'll tell you all about it in just a moment. But first a word from the worlds richest man.

Warren Buffet Says It All!
Option traders can't be value investors, or any kind of investor for that matter. Outside of the next month, maybe two, we don't care at all what happens to a stock. However, the greatest value investor of all time, Warren Buffet, summed it up best when he said “be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful”! This is the “rock” upon which I've built my system.

When a market or stock has been stretched too far to the downside (fear) we buy calls which increase in value when the market rebounds. When it has been stretched too far to the upside (greed) we buy puts and hit the mother-load when the market catches a dose of reality and begins to fall.

What's crazy, when you know what to look for, these opportunities are endless. Every single day there are stocks ready to move 10% to 30% that could result in a 100% to 500% gain trading options. Where else can you find that kind of opportunity?

In just a moment I'll share with you the very method I use to identify extremes of greed and fear with dumb-founding accuracy - making option trading very simple, profitable, and something that anyone can do.

Average Everyday People Are Using Options To Make a Fortune!
I've personally taught my system to thousands of ordinary people just like you. Some have never graduated from college, others hold Ph.D's. Some are doctors and lawyers, others are mechanics and nurses. What they all have in common is this incredible money-making secret – a secret that has landed each one of them on the path to total financial independence.

Like the single dad from Chicago who made $11,500 in profit on his very first option trade and then went on to make $44,000 over the next two months! Now he spends more time raising his son.

Or the retired engineer from Florida who cleared $130,000 his first year trading options working only a few hours each day.

How about the Michigan couple who sold their home, bought a motor-home and traveled the country trading options and making as much as $11,000 per month.

Then there was the Canadian who averaged $7605 in net profits each month for his first six months. We caught up with him about a year later and he was making as much as $4,000 - $5,000 per week trading options.

So regardless of your age, gender, background, or education, option trading could hold the key to an abundant and prosperous future for you and your family. It truly is the last bastion of financial independence, especially for the little guy.

Option Trading 101

If you are new to option trading here are the basics. An option gives you the right but not the obligation to purchase shares in a specific company at a specific price before a specific date.

Maybe you're familiar with a lease option on a home where you put up a small “premium” for the right, but not the obligation to buy the home at some point in the future. If the home appreciates you can exercise your option to purchase the home and realize a profit.

If the home drops in value you can walk away losing only the “premium” you paid. Boy, I'll bet a lot of real estate investors are wishing they'd used options during the real estate boom rather than buying the real estate itself.

Who would have thought that an option on a home would prove to be safer than investing in real estate. The same is true of stock options, they give you the right, but not the obligation to buy the stock. Therefore, you only have to put up a fraction of what the stock would cost, making it much safer than investing in stocks.

Trade Options and Sleep Like a Baby!
For example, to buy 100 shares of Microsoft (MSFT) at today's price would require about $3,000 but you could purchase the right to buy 100 shares of MSFT at $30 per share for only $140 and that right would be good for 3 months.

If in the next 3 months MSFT moved from $30 to $36 and you owned the stock, you would make $600 or 20% on your money. Not bad for only 3 months.

2110% GAIN when a stock drops

"I just wanted to take a minute and say thanks to you for taking the time to share your knowledge with us. I used it quite nicely this past week! I studied the chart of MATK using what your course taught I knew it was going down. I bought 10 puts at $1.30 and then 10 more at $0.60 cents and sold them for $21.00 turning a $1900
investment into $42,000!!! I think my investment has more than paid for itself. Thanks again and happy trading!"

Dave K .

However, if you purchased an option for $140 and MSFT moves to $36 you would still make the same $600 but you only put up $140, giving you a return of 328% in 3 months. If MSFT dropped from $30 to $24 you would lose $600 by owning the stock. With an option you could never lose more than the $140 premium you paid.

With only $3,000 starting capital you could buy one, maybe two stocks and hope for a 20% return in the next few months. Or you could spread your money across several option trades giving you multiple opportunities for gains of 328% and potentially run your $3,000 into $12,840 in a few months! And then just keep repeating the process over and over.

But it gets even better. As I'll demonstrate in a moment, options are not a one-way bet. You can often make bigger, faster money when the market is crashing. Try doing that with real estate.

If all of this sounds a bit confusing, don't worry it is actually very simple and in my new course Option Magic I teach you all the basics of how to trade options to make money whether the market is going up, down, or sideways – even if you have never traded before.

In Option Magic I show you step-by-step:

1. How to set up a brokerage account.

2. The best free charting softwares on the internet.

3. Which options give you added safety.

4. How to place a trade online.

$2,000 Is More Than Enough To Get Started!
Once you learn the ropes, It's possible for you – using my system – to make more money in a single year than most hard-working people make in their entire lifetime.

Maybe you're on a limited budget and starting with only $2k to $3k, that's OK. I'll show you how its possible to parlay your investment into $5k to $10k and then $20k to $50k and eventually maybe into a six and even seven figure nest-egg. It's repeatedly been done by others and it's more than possible for you too.

You've probably invested in stocks and mutual funds before, but did you know that options can be a much safer, more predictable and more profitable way to build your wealth? Why take on excessive risks investing in stocks or commodities when you don't have to. Who wants to be the next victim of a Bear Stearns or Ambac blow-up?

Lose ½ Your Net Worth Investing In Stocks!
You've probably heard about both of these investors I'm going to tell you about. The first is a UK born self-made billionaire. As the sub-prime fallout started to occur in mid 2007 the price of Bear Stearns dropped from $170 down to about $100 per share.

"Options can be used as a surrogate for buying stocks, which further reduces the risk of owning equities at a time when the market may snap lower."

Barrons July 27, 2007

Now I can't possibly know what the UK Billionare was thinking, but based on how he voted with nearly one-billion of his own dollars, I think it is safe to assume that he must have felt Bear Stearns at $100 per share represented “good value” otherwise why would he have invested so much money? Eight months later the stock price dropped from $100 all the way down to $2 before the bank was finally rescued by the Federal Reserve and JP Morgan. Some estimates have the UK Billionare losing nearly half his net worth on that one Bears Stearns trade. Of course, if the company recovers he could make all or part of that back, but who needs that kind of stress?

The point is, even the most brilliant investors can take a beating in the stock market. That's what I love about trading options using my system. If you follow what I teach, you never have to worry about taking a bath when a stock drops 98%. And if your fortunate enough to own a put when a stock does, Eureka!

Make A Killing And Cover Your Ass-ets!
Another investor, and hedge fund manager out of Santa Monica California was betting the sub-prime fallout was going to wreck havoc throughout the entire financial system so he used derivatives (a fancy name for options) to bet against a fall in banks, mortgages, and real estate.

By using options or derivatives he only had to put up a small amount of capital to control the assets. If the trade had gone against him he would have lost money, but it would have been a tiny fraction of his total capital. However, he was fortunate enough to have called the trade right and in less than a year turned his 2 billion hedge fund into $20 billion raking in an $18 billion profit along the way. Estimates have his personal take at $4 Billion.

To create true financial independence you can't afford to be reckless with you money. You need to find opportunities with enormous upside potential and very limited downside. In my opinion, and obviously I'm not alone, options are the single best way to do that.

The high profit low-risk opportunities that exist in the market every day with options are endless, especially during bear markets and periods of high volatility. While stock investors are licking their wounds, users of my system are laughing all the way to the bank as they rack up gains of 80%, 100%, 170% and more – and they're doing it in a matter of weeks not years.

If This Is So Lucrative Why Isn't Everyone Rich From Trading Options?
"Trading [options] provides one of the last great frontiers of opportunities in our economy. It is one of the very few ways in which an individual can start with a relatively small bankroll and actually become a multimillionaire."

Jack D. Schwager
Author Market Wizards

First, let me set the record straight. Professionals and insiders are making money hand-over-fist in the option markets and have been doing it for decades.

The reason I believe the average person isn't rich from trading options is they just don't understand them. Or maybe it's because options can expire worthless which scares investors away.

But keep in mind, the premium you might lose if an option expires is only a fraction of what you risk when you buy a stock. And in most trades we've sold our option long before expiration and never have to worry about it anyway!

The key to successful option trading is knowing when a stock is ready to make a significant move allowing you to double and triple your money just like clockwork. Because most investors have no clue what a stock is going to do, their only choice is to buy, hold, and hope. In the end, they usually get hurt anyway.

Random Or Predictable?
"I'm absolutely ecstatic. Thanks to your system it's finally getting through. I must say I didn't have much confidence in this advanced technical analysis. I've been to numerous technical seminars that promise you the world and deliver you ZERO. With your methods, In one week I've made $1740 on FD"

Bob B.

"So far I am impressed with the accuracy of the methods taught in your course, they even work on currencies. Last week I pocketed almost 300 pips on my mini account using these methods."


Contrary to popular belief markets are not random. Within the chaos of the market exist identifiable patterns that repeat over and over and are very predictable - if you know what to look for.

These patterns have an uncanny ability to pin-point, with razor-sharp precision, when a stock is ready to make a 10% to 30% move in a matter of weeks, which is impressive by any account.

But remember, options give you a tremendous amount of leverage. A 10% move in a stock could easily pocket you a 100%-200% gain with options. A 30% move could land you a 400% - 600% profit.

In Option Magic I teach you 5 -easy to master – price patterns that repeat over and over in every stock. Once you learn to recognize these patterns they literally jump right off the chart. They say a picture is worth a thousand words but when it comes to these patterns, a picture is worth $1,000 - sometimes $10,000!

With my system, there's no reading balance sheets, cash-flow statements, understanding book values, accruals, share buy-backs or any other complicated and incredibly dull fundamental analysis.

As an option trader we don't care what happens to a stock in the next two years. All we care about is the next few weeks. The absolute best way to determine short-term stock direction is with the little-known price patterns that I'm going to teach you when you send for your risk-free copy of Option Magic. As one trader commented “It's like having a crystal ball”

Bread & Butter
These patterns are the “bread & butter” of my trading system and are not just limited to stocks. They also work in currency and futures markets. Any trader using them, regardless of what you trade has an almost unfair advantage over traders who don't. It really is the next best thing to having a copy of tomorrows Wall Street Journal – today!

Check out the examples on the following page to see the mind-boggling returns I'm talking about. With my system you'll have the opportunity to realize profits just like these week in and week out.

Who Am I And Why Should You Listen To Me?

My name is Jesse Webb and I've been trading financial markets for over a decade. I started out managing money for high net-worth individuals at one of the largest banks in the country.

After several years of burn-out I decided it was time to go out on my own and do what I love � trade options and teach others how to do the same, giving them the opportunity to create more security, less stress, and greater freedom.

In my opinion, options are the single best way to create wealth and the “safest” way to invest in the stock market, especially during bear markets.

While value and growth investors continue to cry "uncle” as the banking and mortgage crisis worsens, I feel all warm and cozy sitting mostly in cash waiting to pounce on the next high probability high profit opportunity.

419% - I Only Held Them For One Day!
The Friday before Bear Stearns made their saber-rattling announcement of insolvency I loaded up on put options (puts allow you to profit when a stock falls). On Monday morning I sold them for a 419% profit. I only held them for one day.

That means a $1,000 turned into $5190 over the weekend. $5,000 ballooned into $25,950. And $10,000 multiplied into $51,900. Talk about manna from the sky.

Heck, that's as much as some people make in an entire year slaving away at their job all day. That trade only took me a few minutes to complete and the money was in my account the next day and could be used to pay bills, take a vacation, or roll back into other trades compounding my money even further.

I'll admit the home-run 400% to 700% trades aren't the norm for me. I prefer to get a bunch of base hits of 80% to 200% because they are much easier to find and allow me to compound my money quicker - with less risk.

Do I have losing trades? Of course, no system is 100% fool-proof. If someone claims otherwise. RUN!

But when you have a system that allows you to win more often than lose, and make substantially more money on your winners than what's lost on the loser you can get rich while your still young and have the time to enjoy it. Don't wait until you 65 and pinching pennies. That's no way to live! Using my system you can immediately start living the good life.

My Track Record Speaks For Itself!
Below you will see the results of just one of my many systems. This particular system exits an option trade once the price has doubled. So I'm not looking for home runs, just a string of base hits. And still the performance is nothing short of spectacular!

In another portfolio of mine I realized a net gain of 136% between 1/1/07 – 12/31/07. Keep in mind, these results I'm sharing with you were in real market trading not hypothetical.

So while I earned 136% on my money, stock investors following the S&P 500 earned an embarrassing 3.6%. At that rate it would take you 25 years to catch up with my 1-year gain trading options. Now you can see why I think stock investing is for the birds. But don't just take my word for it, check out what others are saying.

12 Investing Principles You Are Guaranteed To Learn In Your Risk-Free Copy of Option Magic
Insure your stock portfolio from market crashes with no money of your own
Nail 5 out of 7 market tops and bottoms with this one, almost magical indicator
Make $8600 in profit per $1,000 risk
Which options to buy to cut your risk in half
Immediately double your annual returns with this little-known secret
Potentially make 5-10 times the gains you'd normally see in a stock. Sometimes even more
Clean house when the market crashes using a limited risk strategy with virtually unlimited profit potential
Pounce profits out of “Johnny-come-lately” traders with 4 unique sentiment indicators
Turn your IRA into a cash-cow with an option strategy Value Line calls “the most attractive”
Routinely lock in stock profits without using a stop loss, insuring you stay in the big winners
Create a No-Risk trade with as much as a 12%-18% annual upside potential. When this opportunity rears its head, it's a guaranteed winner every time.
Nice, easy, and steady option profits with as high as a 90% win ratio. This strategy is so safe it can be done in your IRA or kids custodial IRA.
Build Your Own Fortune!
Armed with the secrets I'm going to reveal to you when you send for your risk-free copy of Option Magic you'll have the opportunity to amass a huge personal fortune – even if you are starting with next to nothing!

By combining the nearly flawless price patterns I'll teach you, with low-risk – high profit option strategies, come inflation, recession, crisis, hell or high water – you have a recipe to consistently harvest huge profits and potentially turn a small grubstake into a multi-million dollar fortune!

There really is no limit to how much money you can potentially make. Options are the safest and fastest way to get rich in the stock market, especially during bear markets and times of high volatility. It doesn't have to take 10, 20, or 30 years to grow wealthy, with options you can do it quickly, while you're still young and have time to enjoy it.

A Candid Conversation
Most people never get ahead financially because they never give a good opportunity a fair shot. Let's face it, for every legitimate opportunity there are ten completely bogus scams. This is a real opportunity – one that could – in time – potentially make you a millionaire.

It'd be a shame to pass it up because you've been burned in the past by other unscrupulous, unethical, and downright dirty-rotten hucksters.

I realize there are more important things in life than money. Health, well-being, emotional stability, and most of all, relationships are much more important than money. Money is just a tool that can improve the quality of your life, get you out of debt, build your retirement, and allow you to focus on the things that make you a happier and better person.

Option Magic represents my years worth of experience, effort, and hard-earned lessons. The publisher price is regularly $95 and it's worth every penny. But I remember when I was struggling to get out of the rat race, even $100 was a big deal.

I figured I could help more people learn this incredible money-making opportunity – about which I'm very passionate – If I charged less. So for a limited time I'm making Option Magic much more affordable and offering it to you for only $49.95, plus $5.00 for shipping and handling.

I want you to get my new course, have plenty of time to read it, learn it, and even use it to make thousands of dollars and prove to yourself how lucrative this opportunity really is. So I offer you the following guarantee:

Send NO Money
I'm sure you're still a little skeptical, and I don't blame you. If I hadn't seen this system work over and over with my own eyes I don't know that I'd believe it either. That's why I want you to see for yourself how amazing this system really is. So I'm inviting you to sample this incredible trading secret absolutely FREE for the next 30 Days.

Don't make any financial decisions right now. The wrong decision could cost you tens of thousands of dollars, maybe even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Just say “YES” to my 100% risk-free 30-day trial offer and I'll immediately rush you Option Magic ! Absolutely FREE!

Flip through the pages. Learn my most coveted trading secrets - secrets that can boost your profits by $10,000, $20,000 and even $30,000 per month. If you decide you don't want it, for any reason, just send it back and owe nothing.

But if you agree, Option Magic is exactly what you need to be a more successful trader, do nothing. At the end of 30 days your credit card will be conveniently billed one time for $49.95 + $5 shipping. That's over 40% off the regular price of $95. But more important, you can continue using this proven money-maker forever.

Plus a FREE $245 Triple Bonus If You Order Right Now!

If you respond to this offer before Friday, August 22, 2008 I'm going to include three special bonus items valued at $245 absolutely FREE!

One-day Doubles ($49 value) First I'm including “One-day Doubles” a companion workbook to Option Magic. In this unique book I focus specifically on ten of my favorite one-day reversal patterns that can lead to explosive 100% gains in a single day. Not only do these patterns help you identify very short-term trading opportunities that can lead to a quick doubling of your money in both bull and bear markets, they also help you perfect entries on longer-term option trades. These patterns are critical to your success as an option trader. ($49 value)

Option Magic DVD ($79 value) Second I'm going to include my Option Magic DVD where I personally walk you step-by-step through my entire system for uncovering and executing profitable trading opportunities in both bull and bear markets. I teach you how to build a watch list of the best stocks for trading options, how to find the best patterns to trade, how to perfect your entry technique, which options to buy, when to exit for maximum profit, and so much more.

Virtual Investing Club 45 Day FREE Trial ($118 value) And finally for the next 45-days I'm going to give you FREE access to my option picking service. As a member I'll walk you step-by-step through your first option trades using my system. Each time I uncover a high-profit, low-risk option trade I'll email you link where you can watch a quick 2 to 3 minute video clip where I uncover and analyze a high-probability trade. These are the exact type of picks that achieved a 338% 10-month return in one portfolio, and a 136% 12-month return in another. You get a full 45 days worth of option picks with absolutely no obligation to continue. Just one of these picks could pay for Option Magic ten times over. ($118 value). All three of these bonus items are yours to keep even if you send the manual back for a complete no-hassle refund.

Why Share It?
On occasion I've been asked “If this is so good why share it, why not just trade it?” My response - “why not do both?” I consider myself very fortunate to have stumbled across these incredible trading and money-making secrets – it has completely turned my trading career around and forever changed my life.

Listen, there is real “peace of mind” in knowing you have a skill, and have helped others learn a skill, that gives you the opportunity to make tens of thousands of dollars each month regardless of what happens to the rest of the economy. And besides, I get a kick out of hearing from others who have become wealthy using my system, so please write and share with me your success.


Jesse Webb – Author and professional trader

P. S. You risk nothing to take a look – if you don't make at least $10,000 in net profits over the next 12 months send the manual back for a complete and prompt refund. But order now to get your three valuable bonus items worth over $247 - yours to keep even if you send the manual back for a full refund!

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