Sunday, July 20, 2008

Strategies and Targets.

Trading Strategies

Strategy A. Reversal Play

- SHORT at Top.
- Buy at Bottom.
- One Trend Only. Don't hope on 2nd leg!

SHORT at Top.

1. 1st Over-over-over Extended Top Play (Reversed V play).
A) Over-over-over extended.
B) With final big crazy pump & short squeeze.
C) Gap up.

2. 2nd Double Top Crack&Crash Top Play (M play).
A) Over-over-over extended pump top (1st top) with a crack.
B) Pull-up back to the 1st top level slowly with decreased volume.
C) Bigin to drop down.

Buy at Bottom.

1. 1st Extended Bottom Play (V Play).
A) Over-over-over extended.
B) With final big carzy dump & panic selling.
C) Gap down.

2. 2nd Double Bottom Pump&Shoot Bottom Play (W Play).
A) Over-over-over extened dump bottom (1st bottom) with a pump.
B) Pull-down back to the 1st bottom level slowly with decreased volume.
C) Begin to come back up.

Different Term Play

- Daytrading
- Short-term Trading
- Position Trading

Strategy B. Trend Following Play.

1. Bubble Trading
找到现阶段有可能形成 bubble 的题材, 在 bubble 形成的早期做 Long/Call, 在顶部做 short/Put.
Bubble 都需要一定的时间才能成熟, 要大胆 long, 要耐心等待等 Bubble 成熟, Bubble 破裂 (after crack, Crack and Crash) 后才开始 Short/Put .
如: 中国经济火时的中国概念股 (SINA, NTES, SOHU, SNDA) , 奥运行情时的 SOHU, 黄金涨时黄金开矿业 ( , 石油涨时的太阳能 (STP, SOLF, LDK, CSUN), 能源危机时的煤炭业 (PCX). 其它如 GOOG, BIDU, RIMM, AAPL, GRMN, VMW, V 等.

2. Down Play
找到现阶段出现危机的题材进行 Short/Put. 如房产泡沫破后的房贷产业.

Trading Targets

Target A - 5% Play

选择一次交易有 >5% 获利空间的目标进行偷窃.
仔细观察耐心等待机会的出现. 在最佳机会时半仓出击. 及时获利了结. 每周一次即可.

Target B - Double your money

选择长线趋势明确的股票进行狩猎. 买入2-3月到期的 Put or Call.
获利目标需 >100%. 长线持有. 从 $1000 元开始, 下次操作连本带利出击.

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