Friday, July 18, 2008

今日大败: -2141! Wrong Swing on Option Expiring Day


1. 心态不稳定,情绪化的操作.

2. 完全没有遵守操作的规则: buy at bottom, short at top, over over over extended! No dip short, no pump buy. Take profit on One trend. Don't hope for the 2nd up or down.

3. 用不切实际的幻想指导操作, 超级贪:
A. Buy at momentum pump at $9.2, 到了9.9 也没想出去, 还准备到 $10.5! 今天是第三天 up, 根本不太可能单边上扬, 而是到顶后获利回吐, 直到 break down. 后来 forced to take profit at $9.55 落荒而逃! 我哭!
B. Short at $9.05, 设 take profit at $8.51 (support). 后来改为 $8.05! 急跌到$8.40 即快速反转. 没有遵守supprt and resistance law. 后来在 $9.90 forced to take profit! 再次落荒而逃! 我哭!

4. 无数的错误操作:
A. Buy @9.20 Sell @9.55 +875
B. Buy at $9.62 Sell at $9.46 -400
C. Short at $9.14 Cover at $9.31 -425
D. Short at $9.07 Cover @9.33 -650
E. Buy @$9.34 Sell @9.24 -250
F. Short @9.24 Cover @9.26 -50
G. Buy @9.27 Sell @9.18 -225
H. Short @9.05 Cover @ 8.9 +375
I. Short @8.85 Cover @9.00 -375
J. Buy @9.04 Sell @9.20 +400
K. Buy @9.9.28 Sell @9.17 -275

L. Short CSGS 1000@14.66 Cover@14.88 -220
M. Short LEH 1000@18.78 Cover@19.18 -400
N. Buy SKF 200@138.40 Sell@138.50 +20
O. Buy SKF 200@139 Sell@137 -400

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